Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Baby can Count!

As a mother it is sooooooo exciting to hear your child count from 1  to 10. You want to post and tell the world,"Hey my baby is counting"!

 I hate to burst your bubble but, your child is reciting words they have heard over and over again. They are not actually counting.

In order for authentic counting to occur there must be a 1 to 1 correspondence between the item and the number. For example, grabbing five cheerios and saying "one" is not actually counting.

While it is impressive that your little one knows the numbers in sequence, be sure to help them gain one to one correspondence. This can be done by actually having them count something!!!

So mom's, dad's, care takers, and grandparents, grab those pennies, cheerios, blocks, and crayons, and teach your child to actually COUNT!

Love memorized her numbers to about 13. Now while that was impressive I took on the task of teaching 1to1...
Posted by Ă‘aomi Bradley on Thursday, July 24, 2014

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